This document covers about how to set up Compage on your local with helm charts and Compage
will be exposed
through NodePort
service to the outer world. When you deploy
the server, you have to expose the ui
service using LoadBalancer service type or need to create an ingress.
Create a KinD cluster
Make sure you have access to Kubernetes cluster along with a capability to install a namespaced scope CRD to your cluster. You can create a KinD cluster as explained here, in cluster creation section.
Retrieve KinD cluster Node IP
# retrieves nodes ip [tested on single node cluster]
$KIND_NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -o wide --no-headers | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $6}')
Update KinD node ip in /etc/hosts.
$KIND_NODE_IP (retrieved by above command)
- You can choose your choice of url above.
is dummy here. Please make sure that you are using same urls in GitHub app as well(redirect url etc.).
Register an app on GitHub
To run Compage
(on your local or on the server), you have to first set up GitHub app.
- Register a new app on GitHub to retrieve clientId and clientSecret by following steps given on this link - Update the clientId and clientSecret in values.yaml like below.
# update below value cluster's node ip and with port specified here (.Values.ui.service.nodePort)
redirectURI: ""
clientId: "XXXXXXXX"
clientSecret: "XXXXXXXX"
# update below value cluster's node ip and with port specified here (
Create a namespace
Currently, the compage
namespace is made hard-coded but in-future, it will be completely configurable.
kubectl create ns compage
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=compage
Install the latest version from GitHub helm repository.
Fire below set of commands and install the compage on your KinD cluster running locally.
Before this, you will have to create a docker image for ui component. As this is a UI component and commands in Dockerfile use below CONFIG values
to create it, you will have to use your configurations and create a docker image using below commands (run them from base folder of compage)
TAG_NAME="{version you are installing so that it will be automatically taken.}"
# Assuming this is the name of your kind cluster
# create docker image for ui
docker build -t $UI_IMAGE --network host ui/
kind load docker-image --name $CLUSTER_NAME $UI_IMAGE
Once you are done with above commands, kindly run below set of commands.
helm repo remove intelops
helm repo add "intelops" ""
helm install compage intelops/compage --values charts/compage/values.yaml
kubectl get pods -n compage
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l
Go to
Simply, delete the cluster created above using kind delete cluster --name compage
. If that’s not possible, delete the
namespace kubectl delete ns compage